Monday, March 19, 2012

Opening activity

There is a game called minecraft.
I am going to make a 32 X 32 texture pack for it.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Puppet feature

Interesting projects with puppet-master? All i can think of is a stop motion video of a dancing person to a certain song i remember...
Anyway, it involves a bunch of random stuff not really worth mentioning anyway.
But it can also be used to alter photos in such a way to improve or fix them, i don't really know but hey- who knows when you might need it.

Keelah' selai friendo.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Favourite feature in photoshop

During the video he seemed very excited about most of the features that were introduced into the photoshop, one of them being the factor that you can make letters into a 3D shape, change their object into textures, shadowing and positioning.
Personally i just dislike photoshop what with it's complex design, it blows my mind... seriously.
During the video my personal favourite was the rotation accuracy of how you could position the 3D letter/word to a accurate position on it.

I think he went into great detail about how to use such a specific tool.